Verizon Media is the home to media, technology and communication brands that 800 million people across the globe love and trust. To show how the brands are connecting their audiences, B2B marketing team initiated Content Moment campaign to promote brand awareness on various platforms including paid media and social channels.
Working closely with the copywriter and marketing team, we created three personas: A businesswoman, a college student, and the stay-home working dad. By following with the journey of how they consume the content from the Verizon family in their daily life, It shows the brands not only meet their passions but also bring them more of the things they need, want and love.
The whole campaign lasted for two and a half months, from initial concepts and scripts to storyboarding, on-site video filming to final editing, I led the art direction and got a chance to work along with professional in various industries. It was a truly valuable learning and growing moment for myself as well.